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Seminar 7


  • What do dual-process theories of moral cognition claim?

  • What is the evidence for and against a dual-process theory of moral cognition?

Lecture Notes


(If you want a more thorough guide, try Cushman (2013) or Paxton & Greene (2010).)

Where to Find the Reading?

In some cases the reference section of the lecture notes already includes a link to help you find the reading.

If there is no link in the lecture notes, start by searching for the title (and, if that fails, by title and authors) on google scholar. If this fails, the library has resources. If those fail, please check first with others on the course. If you still have problems, you may email your seminar tutor.

Cushman, F., Young, L., & Greene, J. D. (2010). Multi-system moral psychology. In J. M. Doris, M. P. R. Group, & others (Eds.), The moral psychology handbook (pp. 47–71). Oxford: OUP.

Ask a Question

Your question will normally be answered in the question session of the next lecture.

More information about asking questions.


Cushman, F. (2013). Action, Outcome, and Value: A Dual-System Framework for Morality. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(3), 273–292.
Cushman, F., Young, L., & Greene, J. D. (2010). Multi-system moral psychology. In J. M. Doris, M. P. R. Group, & others (Eds.), The moral psychology handbook (pp. 47–71). Oxford: OUP.
Paxton, J. M., & Greene, J. D. (2010). Moral Reasoning: Hints and Allegations. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2(3), 511–527.