Moral Psychology
The science of good and evil?
--- lecturer: [email protected]
A course at the University of Warwick.
Week 02: Effect Heuristic: Pro and Contra
Commencing Monday 11th January 2021
Seminar Task on yyrama
- Complete and submit your mini-essay at least 24 hours before your seminar in Week 02.
- Complete and submit your peer review at least 24 hours before your seminar in Week 02.
- Check your work for any feedback immediately before the seminar.
- Re-read your work before the seminar (so you can answer questions about it).
- Ensure you can refer back to what you submitted during the seminar.
Note that the seminar tasks are typically on topics from previous weeks’ lectures.
(If you need to attend a different seminar this week, please join that seminar group on yyrama so that your work is read by the right tutor and your tutor knows which seminar to discuss it in.)
Not sure what to do? Check this guide to the seminar tasks (this is the same each week).
Attend a Seminar
If you are attending a seminar online, you can find the link you need to join it here.
Recorded Lectures
- Make use of the Lecture 02 recordings and notes.
Not sure what to do with the lectures? Check this guide to using lectures.
Live Online Whole-Class Meeting
- Add messages with your questions before the meeting in the teams channel for the lectures.
- Attend the meeting on Thursday at 12 (link to join).
If you miss the meeting, there may be a recording of it in the lecture materials. (No promises: there might be occasional issues which prevent or corrupt a recording.)
Assessed work to submit
There is no assessed work due this week, I think. (But to be sure, please check on tabula as this is the only authoritative source for deadlines.)
Not what you were looking for?
There is also ...
- a complete week-by-week guide;
- lecture recordings and notes;
- an index of weeks;
- links for online seminars;
- a list of seminar tasks on yyrama; and
... or go to
- Week 01: Do Emotions Influence Moral Intuitions?
(11th Jan)
- Week 02: Effect Heuristic: Pro and Contra
(11th Jan)
- Week 03: Dumbfounding and Disengagement
(25th Jan)
- Week 04: Cultural Variations in Moral Psychology
(1st Feb)
- Week 05: Moral Foundations Theory
(8th Feb)
- Week 07: Ethics from Psychology?
(22nd Feb)
- Week 08: Cognitive Miracles and Intuitions about Ethical Dilemmas
(1st Mar)
- Week 09: Dual Process Theories: Objections, Evidence and Significance
(8th Mar)
- Week 10: Dual Process Objection and Development
(15th Mar)