A Linguistic Analogy
What do humans compute that enables them to track moral attributes? In this section we introduce a second hypothesis which answers this question, one based on an analogy between ethical and linguistic abilities. The hypothesis is due to Mikhail (2014). Considering the hypothesis also provides an argument for the view that moral attributes are accessible.
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Several researchers have developed theories about humans’ ethical abilities based on analogies with their linguistic abilities (including Mikhail, 2007, Dwyer, 2009 and Roedder & Harman, 2010).
Consider two questions of the same form but about different domains:
A standard answer to the second question, (2), is: they compute the syntactic attributes themselves. Of course, humans are all, or mostly, unaware of computing syntactic attributes. But they do in fact do this, probably thanks to a language module.
Mikhail (2014) offers some considerations which can be used to argue for a parallel view about moral attributes:
Humans track moral attributes by computing moral attributes in much the way that they track linguistic attributes (which perhaps involves a language module).
This is an alternative to Sinnott-Armstrong, Young, & Cushman (2010, p. §2.1)’s hypothesis about the Affect Heuristic.
What Is Mikhail’s (Best) Argument?
‘adequately specifying the kinds of harm that humans intuitively grasp requires a technical legal vocabulary’ (Mikhail, 2007, p. 146)
The abilities underpinning unreflective ethical judgements involve analysis in accordance with rules.
Humans do not know the rules.
The analysis is achieved by a modular process.
Mikhail’s argument for the first premise that ‘adequately specifying the kinds of harm that humans intuitively grasp requires a technical legal vocabulary’ (Mikhail, 2007, p. 146) depends on an analysis of pairs of dilemmas like the Trolley/Transplant pair presented in the recording. Many subjects make apparently inconsistent judgements when presented with such pairs of dilemmas; they appear to say that killing one to save five people is both permitted and impermissible. Mikhail argues that the inconsistency is merely apparent. For there is a morally significant difference between the dilemmas: one (Transplant) involves purposive battery while the other (Trolley) does not. This supports the idea that the pattern of judgements, far from being inconsistent, reflects the operation of principles and the identification of structure in the scenarios.[2]
An Objection to Mikhail
Moral judgements are subject to order effects: which in a pair of dilemmas is presented first sometimes influences subjects’ responses to the dilemmas (Petrinovich & O’Neill, 1996, p. Study 2; Wiegmann, Okan, & Nagel, 2012). This is true even for professional philosophers (Schwitzgebel & Cushman, 2015). No such effect is predicted by Mikhail’s hypothesis that subjects’ moral intuitions are a consequence of their correctly identifying structure and applying principles consistently.
Mikhail’s hypothesis therefore at least requires qualification. This means his argument does not provide sufficient grounds to conclude that humans track moral attributes by computing moral attributes.
What Should We Conclude?
None of the arguments we have yet considered are sufficient to establish the view that moral intuitions are a consequence of a moral module. So while the idea that there is an analogy between ethical and linguistic abilities remains intriguing, we are not in a position to accept or reject it without further arguments or discoveries.
Appendix: What Are Modules?
They are ‘the psychological systems whose operations present the world to thought’; they ‘constitute a natural kind’; and there is ‘a cluster of properties that they have in common’ (Fodor, 1983, p. 101):
- domain specificity (modules deal with ‘eccentric’ bodies of knowledge)
- limited accessibility (representations in modules are not usually inferentially integrated with knowledge)
- informational encapsulation (modules are unaffected by general knowledge or representations in other modules)
- innateness (roughly, the information and operations of a module not straightforwardly consequences of learning; but see Samuels (2004)).
A different (but related) Affect Heurstic has also be postulated to explain how people make judgements about risky things are: The more dread you feel when imagining an event, the more risky you should judge it is (see Pachur, Hertwig, & Steinmann, 2012, which is discussed in The Affect Heuristic and Risk: A Case Study).
See Kahneman & Frederick (2005, p. 271): ‘We adopt the term accessibility to refer to the ease (or effort) with which particular mental contents come to mind.’
According to Sinnott-Armstrong et al. (2010, p. 256), moral intuitions are ‘strong, stable, immediate moral beliefs.’
Tracking an attribute is contrasted with computing it. Unlike tracking, computing typically requires that the attribute be represented. (The distinction between tracking and computing is a topic of Moral Intuitions and an Affect Heuristic.)
As an example of a syntactic attribute, consider being a (grammatical) sentence. For example, the sequence of words ‘He is a waffling fatberg of lies’ is a sentence whereas the sequence of words ‘A waffling fatberg lies of he is’ is not a sentence. These are syntactic attributes of the two sequences of words. ↩︎
Mikhail (2014) provides more detail on the argument for this premise. (I also provide some detail in the recording.) ↩︎