Moral Intuitions and an Affect Heuristic
How, if at all, do emotions and feelings influence moral intuitions? And what do adult humans compute that enables their moral intuitions to track moral attributes (such as wrongness)?
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Essay Questions
This section is relevant for answering the following questions:
Our long term aim is to answer this question: [Question 1] Do emotions influence moral intuitions?
Question 2
What do adult humans compute that enables their moral intuitions to track moral attributes (such as wrongness)?
To illustrate the distinction between tracking and computing: a motion detector tracks the presence of people by computing patterns of infrared energy.
The Affect Heuristic
The Affect Heuristic offers an answer to Questions 1 and 2.
The Affect Heuristic: ‘if thinking about an act [...] makes you feel bad [...], then judge that it is morally wrong’ (Sinnott-Armstrong, Young, & Cushman, 2010).
Why is this an answer to Question 2? Because it says that humans compute how an act makes them feel in order to track whether it is morally wrong.
Compare: humans track the toxicity of potential foods by computing how smelling or tasting the potential food makes them feel.
What about Question 1? If the Affect Heuristic is a true answer to Question 2, then the answer to Question 1 is yes, emotions do influence moral intuitions. For it is by computing emotions that our moral intuitions track moral attributes. (This assumes that feeling bad is an emotion, of course.)
Note that we have not yet considered whether the hypothesis about the Affect Heuristic is true.
A different (but related) Affect Heurstic has also be postulated to explain how people make judgements about risky things are: The more dread you feel when imagining an event, the more risky you should judge it is (see Pachur, Hertwig, & Steinmann, 2012.
See Kahneman & Frederick (2005, p. 271): ‘We adopt the term accessibility to refer to the ease (or effort) with which particular mental contents come to mind.’
Tracking an attribute is contrasted with computing it. Unlike tracking, computing typically requires that the attribute be represented. (The distinction between tracking and computing is a topic of Moral Intuitions and an Affect Heuristic.)