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Practical Information

9am Lectures are Required

Previously the lectures were at 2pm and many students did better on this module than on most of their other modules. But last year the 9am lectures meant few attended.[1] Many students did very badly indeed.

Seminar Tasks

There is a plan for the seminars with a task to complete before your seminar each week:

Do the reading and answer the questions before the seminar.


How you will be assessed and given feedback.

Use the online handout to help you write the essays. Most questions are covered. If stuck, try the search bar at the top of the page.

About the Videos

You are not supposed to watch the videos. They are super out of date.

I made the videos for the 2020-21 version of this course when lectures were online. I left these in for anyone who misses a lecture or wants to revise.

Because I am not updating the videos as I revise the course, some sections have no video.

Other Courses I Teach


  1. I’d much prefer 2pm lectures but cannot influence this. ↩︎