Moral Dumbfounding
Moral dumbfounding is ‘the stubborn and puzzled maintenance of an [ethical] judgment without supporting reasons’ (Haidt, Bjorklund, & Murphy, 2000, p. 1). By the end of this section you should know what moral dumbfounding is and be familiar with some of the scientific research taken to establish that, and question whether, it occurs.
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Moral dumbfounding is ‘the stubborn and puzzled maintenance of a judgment without supporting reasons’ (Haidt et al., 2000, p. 1).
The most cited evidence for dumbfounding comes from some unpublished (!) research which is presented in the recording (Haidt et al., 2000). This research hinges on two contrasts:
- morally provocative but harmless events vs nonmorally provocative but harmless events; and
- morally provocative events that are harmless vs morally provocative scenarios involving harm
Examples of morally provocative but harmless events:
‘[Incest] depicts consensual incest between two adult siblings, and [...] [Cannibal] depicts a woman cooking and eating a piece of flesh from a human cadaver donated for research to the medical school pathology lab at which she works. These stories were ... were carefully written to be harmless’ (Haidt et al., 2000).
The other scenarios commonly used in studies of moral dumbfounding are Heinz and Trolley.
An Effect of Cognitive Load?
‘In Study 2 [which is not reported in the draft] we repeated the basic design while exposing half of the subjects to a cognitive load—an attention task that took up some of their conscious mental work space—and found that this load increased the level of moral dumbfounding without changing subjects’ judgments or their level of persuadability’ (Haidt & Bjorklund, 2008, p. 198).
Further evidence for an effect of cognitive load is provided by McHugh, McGann, Igou, & Kinsella (2023).[1]
Can We Rely on Haidt et al. (2000) as Evidence?
Before relying on any study we must check whether there are (i) successful or unsuccessful replications, ) (ii) similar studies with convergent or divergent results, and (iii) reviews or metaanalyses in which the study features (see Moral Intuitions and Emotions: Evaluating the Evidence).
Royzman, Kim, & Leeman (2015) claim to have unsuccessfully replicated the unpublished research on moral dumbfounding:
‘3 of [...] 14 individuals [without supporting reasons] disapproved of the siblings having sex and only 1 of 3 (1.9%) maintained his disapproval in the “stubborn and puzzled” manner’ (Royzman et al., 2015, p. 309).
They conclude that:
‘a definitionally pristine bout of MD is likely to be a extraordinarily rare find, one featuring a person who doggedly and decisively condemns the very same act that she has no prior normative reasons to dislike’ (Royzman et al., 2015, p. 311).
But your lecturer is unconvinced by this. They did, in fact, find one person who was dumbfounded even by their own criteria. Further, Haidt et al. (2000)’s method is to compare morally provocative events that are harmless with morally provocative scenarios involving harm.[2] Their prediction is that their should be significantly more dumbfounding in the former. Royzman et al. (2015) have not designed an experiment which tests this prediction.
McHugh, McGann, Igou, & Kinsella (2017) offers a successful replication.[3] These results were extended in McHugh, McGann, Igou, & Kinsella (2020) and McHugh et al. (2023).
McHugh, Zhang, Karnatak, Lamba, & Khokhlova (2023) investigated moral dumbfounding with participants drawn from three different regions: China, India and North Africa and the Middle East. They found evidence for moral dumbfounding in all cases, with variation in which dilemmas invoked most dumbfounding:
‘for both the Indian sample and the MENA sample, Trolley appeared to evoke the highest rates of dumbfounding, while for the Chinese sample, Cannibal evoked the highest rates of dumbfounding. In contrast for WEIRD samples, Incest tends to be the scenario that most reliably evokes dumbfounding (McHugh, Zhang, et al., 2023, p. 1056)
Do We Even Need a Study?
It seems quite easy to elicit moral dumbfounding in everyday life. This is something you could try for yourself.[4]
Appendix: Philosophical Perspectives
This section is not in the spoken lecture
Two recent discussions of dumbfounding are Guglielmo (2018) and Wylie (2021).
A replication can be more or less direct; that is, it may adhere very closely to the original experiment, or it may include varations in the stimuli, subjects and settings. Very indirect replications are sometimes called conceptual replications.
McHugh, McGann, et al. (2023) do make a strong case for the effect of cognitive load on reducing reasoning generally. But note that these researchers did not find evidence either way concerned effects of cognitive load in the Incest scenario. They speculate that this could be due to lack of statistical power. ↩︎
Compare Haidt et al. (2000): ‘They made the fewest such declarations in Heinz, and they made significantly more such declarations in the Incest story.’ ↩︎
Note that in McHugh et al. (2017), Study 1 is a bit different from the other studies. In Study 1, there is a robust distinction between the ’reasoning’ dilemmas (Heinz and Trolley) and the ‘intuition’ dilemmas (Incest and Cannibal). In Study 3a and 3b together there is weaker evidence for this distinction. But Studies 2+ were all online studies, and I am not persuaded that they actually worked (perhaps participants were simply rushing through the questions?). ↩︎
Be careful; it turns out that some people react badly if you ask them about incest and eating their pets. ↩︎